Hope Camps 2015
In July 2015, Mamkhulu.org, in partnership with Reachout to Africa, ran 2 psychosocial support camps for 80 double orphans from local primary and high schools. The goal of the camps was to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the children, as well as provide them with psychosocial support and fun activities.
Between the obstacle course, Dream Teams, perma-culture gardening, beadwork, drama, singing and puppet shows, the children had 2 wonderful, life changing weeks of fun.
Hope Camps 2014 July
In July 2014, Mamkhulu.org, in conjunction with Reacout to Africa, hosted 3 camps at 10,000 Homes. The first camp was to develop the leadership. The second 2 camps were OVC camps, one for high school and the other for primary. A total of 100 children and youth attended.
A team from Reachout to Africa attended and contributed mightily to the programme.
Hope Camps 2012
July 2014 |
Management Team July 2014 |
In July and December 2012, Mamkhulu.org, in conjunction with Reachout to Africa, held psychosocial support camps for orphans and vulnerable children.
A team of 8 Canadian volunteers joined our youth team of 56 leaders in July to run 3 camps at different venues around Daantjie and Msogwaba.
In December, 2 camps were held in Daantjie schools and run by our Mamkhulu.org staff and team of 40 youth. These day camps provide local orphans and vulnerable children with psychosocial support, fun activities and food for a week during the Christmas holidays. Various donors contributed food for the camps including Okala Energy Solutions. Chocolates were provided by a company in Cape Town to provide special treats for the children.
Hope Camp December 2011
A Hope Camp was held at Sibuyile Primary School for 120 orphans and vulnerable children from the Mamkhulu.org Hope Clubs. Children from Tiga Prmary and Siyakhula Primary joined the children from Sibuyile for a week of specially designed activities and tasks. The theme of the camps was "Loving God", "Loving Yourself" and "Loving Others".
The highlight of the week was on the second to the last day when the choirs and drama teams went to the Disabled Centre in Dantjie and the Dantjie Orphanage to perform what they had learned during the week. This was their "day of service to others" and the presentations were greatly appreciated. Few people visit these organizations and the recipients were very grateful for the entertainment. One of the Canadian volunteers brought her portable keyboard and bells, adding some wonderful music to the camp.
On the last day there was a birthday party for all the children who had never had celebrated a birthday before and all the children were given shoes brought by the 2 volunteers from Reachout to Africa in Canada.
Hope Camps July 2011
Hope Camps were held in Daantjie township for 10 primary and high schools. These were psychosocial support camps which included sports activities, games and working with our booklet called "This is My Story". Children are given the opportunity to talk about their lives and receive counseling around serious issues that have taken place.
The camps were kicked off with a one week team building camp for the leadership team held at a local campsite in White River. Although conditions were simple, the laughter and fun were contangious. The leaders worked through their problems with trained counselors and learned life skills from the various presentations.
Latest News
The young mothers camps will take place at Ekukhanyeni on the 27th of December 2022. Mothers come with their babies and they are given life lessons.
The mamkhulu.org team will be starting their end year Camps on the 27th of November 2022. The first camp will be the young mother's camp, where young