What is Mamkhulu.org?


Mamkhulu.org was started in late 2009, by a group of dedicated women from around the world, who wanted to assist communities in southern Africa with the growing number of orphans and vulnerable children and the women who look after them. A “mamkhulu” is another word in SiSwati, Zulu and Ndebele for an “auntie”. In fact, it means “older auntie” and is the title given to the oldest woman relative in a family. The children in the extended family all relate to this woman as a person who they can trust and who helps them with all personal matters from the time they become teenagers.


The women who started Mamkhulu.org come from a variety of backgrounds. All are professionals who bring their various skills to the organization in order to support the orphans and vulnerable children and youth and to build up women in rural communities. All those involved in Mamkhulu.org are volunteers who are putting their talents to work to support the organization.

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The young mothers camps will take place at Ekukhanyeni on the 27th of December 2022. Mothers come with their babies and they are given life lessons.


The mamkhulu.org team will be starting their end year Camps on the 27th of November 2022. The first camp will be the young mother's camp, where young

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